Organise a Messy Makers incursion at your childcare or pre-school.
Messy Makers can bring all the fun for your next incursion, a program that has been developed by experienced qualified Early Educators. We have plenty of experience running incursions, having attended numerous childcare centres over the past year and understand how vital the importance of being an exceeding service. Our incursions are generally suitable for age groups 5 months through to 5 years, right across Sydney with the session completely customisable to suit your current curriculum. We work with multiple external organisations to ensure our program complies with the National Quality Standards and the EYLF. We provide a service which includes the preparation of the incursion at your childcare/daycare setting, the running of the incursion and post cleaning and returning the area back to how it was. You can also choose the theme to ensure that it relates to what the children are currently learning. Our incursion program has been a proven hit for one-off plus regular incursions at a huge range of centres. Just over the past twelve months we've seen multiple Little Zaks Centres, multiple Explore & Develop Centres, multiple Leap Education Centres, Aurrum Kids, Petit Early Learning Journey, Sprout Early Learning, Karimbla ELC, plus many more. In fact, we've seen 73 centres in the past 12 months alone & we'd love to bring all the fun to your centre. Wherever you're located, we can bring our program to you. To proceed, please click the request to book button and follow the prompts. We'll get back to you quickly once we receive your request. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please email info@messymakers.com.au or start a live chat.